Mystery lady

Mystery lady who are you? Do you ever take away the mask you wear? Will I ever see the real you, or has it been lost? What are you hiding, is it the past you run from or the future? Why do you feel the need to be protected? What or who is hurting you? Why won’t you let anyone in? Will you ever find a reason to come out and see the outside as it is? Mystery lady you speak in riddles, answering questions with more questions and avoid meeting my eyes. What’s buried so deeply in those eyes that mirrors the eyes?

You reveal you in little amounts never giving more than many pieces of a puzzle. You are truly a mystery. I know what you want to tell me, nothing more nothing less. Why do you do this to yourself? So many questions fill my mind, seldom do any of the answers match. My curiosity is always present and never satisfied. You intrigue people until they get too close. Won’t you ever put the mask away and begin to live? You are guarded by a safety of the mask and yet you remain a prisoner to the very walls of safety that provide protection. Can you hide forever, or do you plan to shed the mask? Mystery Lady tell me who you are, let me in for just awhile. Why do you run, havn’t you realized until you face the demons they will forever haunt you? Do you have to do it alone and inside of yourself? Is there no one who can help you free yourself from the mask?

I can tell you I love you and know that it in itself is not enough to free you. The mask has been worn too long and the images have embedded themselves into the person. I am sad that there is not enough of my love to let you feel safe enough to let go. There’s a beauty beyond the mask you will never know and for that I am most sorry. Through the eyes of the mask is your heart safe? Can you see what’s it’s doing to your vision?

Remain as long as you have to, I will be there when you let go. I have no place to go until we can go together.

For with every breath in me, I love you…

Part of it wasn’t even you, it was the promise of you. From the second my eyes met yours I knew you’’d keep that promise.

And you have….. Always in my heart and soul you have. From the first tear drop to the depths of my emotions you have been true to me. Never have I been more than I am when I am with you. I feel for the first time with a part of me buried from the harsh realities of life.

I can feel the tears as they flow and not burn from the path they make as they fall. I love you.

How I wish and then I am I close my eyes and let the emotion take me away, no longer chained to reality I am with the heart of mine that soars to the heavens above.

A single tear falls… given life by the love I feel for you. I have loved you for longer than I was even aware of. It grows with the passing of each day blossoming into something beyond my wildest dreams. It is tender and warm.

Can I count the ways that I love thee? I’’ve asked myself that many times and before I finish counting I am wondering if it isn’’t easier to count the tears or to count the snowflakes from the sky for surely they have an end whereas my love for you seems boundless. To touch you and give you back what you have given me, even in the smallest of measures.

It isn’’t always easy and the tears aren’t always kept at bay. An overwhelming tidal wave crashes onto my heart as the wave pounds the sand. The promise of you held so tightly in my grip that when I lost the conscious thought my heart never let the dream fade. Simple and pure I will always love you. I will never find the voice that can speak so loudly, so clearly, and of the depth of my heart. For with every breath in me, I love you.

The love letter I never wrote…


Yesterday is but a faded memory and all I have to show for it are the memories that live in the recesses of my mind invading my thoughts on occasion. What could have been what should have been and a forgotten why it wasn’t and would never be. Often as fairytales go they live happily ever after and yet, ever after was no more, not with the closing of the door. You gave a vow to another and all I can hold is the shadow dance of us two separated and made into just a faded memory. How the light twirls in my mind cascading down on the time when you were mine. I let you go but I never stopped loving you. I never gave up hope that I would be enough and someday you’d realize destiny was in our hands and the hands would be held. I loved you long before we met and long after we say goodbye. In fact, I loved you to the day I died. You are and always have been my forever. The time we spent here on earth was not enough and now I know it wouldn’t have mattered for it would never have been enough. To know and to be, to love and to be set free…the question isn’t as hard anymore and the answer is clear that you never really loved me the way I always loved you.

The dawn sets on each new day and the tomorrow’s still come it’s not that I beg for an end, it’s more I know that it starts and ends the same. When I get lost in a memory for a while I’m whisked away and sorrows don’t burden me. I am free of constraints, and free from it all and for just a moment I too can cherish the love.


When Someday Becomes The Day


When someday becomes the day…we talked about this day all of the time and nothing really prepares you for this moment. We talked about what she wanted, how things were to be done, and that in the end if we screwed it up that she’d haunt Dad for the rest of his days.

Mom never liked the spotlight. It simply wasn’t her deal but she did love the lights. The colors and the shimmer and her unbelievable ability to make something out of nothing at all. Everything she read or saw on television was a project in the making. 

Some of Mom’s favorite memories were when she was little she loved sitting on the porch over on Arbor in Omaha watching it rain with Grandma. She said she loved it when it poured. She would also talk about how Grandma would make popcorn balls and they would sit on the porch and watch cars go by. During summer they’d switch to popsicles.

Mom loved to read and write. She would tell you that her love of that came from Grandma. She wanted to be the next Erma Bombeck and even sent something in to be published. She also learned that there is no crime in failing, but there is if you never try.

She wasn’t sure what it was but she felt she was never enough. She was never pretty enough, smart enough, skinny enough. She said that all changed when she met Dad. He made her feel enough and taught her that she was enough for him and the love of her life would be enough until the day she died. We often laughed and joked about prince charming with a beer and a cigarette and that would be Dad.

Her favorite vacation was Paris. Oh she loved Alcatraz, fishing, camping, and Tennessee and some others but Paris above all else was her dream come true. She sent me a postcard that simply said “you should see it from my eyes”.

Did you know she really loved to dance? With Dad though it was more the thought of dancing. We watched Dancing with the Stars and lived vicariously through the show. It was the freedom of the beat that carried her away. Amazingly, she loved all types of music. We’d laugh and talk about how the music played the echoes of her heartbeat and matched the rhythm of her dreams. We would spend hours at Barnes and Noble reading and listening to all sorts of music. She wanted to live amid the music, the footsteps, and words. She swore that the place called to her.

The other places that called to her were thrift stores she never met a thrift store that didn’t like. She was always on a mission to find the next greatest treasure or project. Most of us saw it as junk but when she was done with it, it was absolutely transformed. As she got sicker she said that she regretted that she couldn’t do projects anymore. She could still see them in her mind but didn’t have the strength or energy to do them.

Painting was a passion, beyond a love. We laughed thinking about what color she’d paint heaven. So was card playing. She loved to play pinochle and we’d play girls against the boys most of the time. She loved playing with family and the Grandkids.

She was a sappy, mushy heart that would cry at the drop of a hat. It was always the silly things that too her breath away. She had a sense of humor that made you laugh from the bottom of your toes. She could make fun of herself so easily. She admittedly couldn’t save money and never once held back. If you walked into her house and commented about liking something she’d give it to you. It made her feel good that you liked something she’d made. To her, it was just a chance to redecorate.

April 6th was the someday that became the day. Before she left we called the angels to say: come take her away. To heaven she’s to go, of this we know. She’s a child of the Lord and in Jesus’ care. I know I’ll see her when Jesus takes me there. Until the day we meet again, may the memories of her laughter, tenderness, endless humor, and creativity help all of us breathe when we most need to take a deeper breath. She loved, lived, laughed, and she’s smiling in heaven until the someday when we meet again becomes the day.


Tari Lynn



Stand in love…

Darkness stands where no space and time can separate. With every breathe the darkness draws you in closer and closer to what it is you most fear. Stand in love and let the darkness come for you have all you need in the middle of the storm. Hold on, I cannot promise the outcome but I know that you will know how long you can hold on. That I can trust. The rest I leave up to the Lord.

Was it your greatest gift?

Something you said about erasing the bad with the good has stuck with me and helps me through the darkest moments when I am alone and reverting to coping mechanisms that are not healthy and on occasion I wonder if it was your greatest gift to me?




I wonder if you know that the day I met you my life was turned upside down? You challenge everything. You make me value my convictions, stand a little stronger, and you make me want to be the best part of me. I am always looking to move forward and to move ahead in life, now I want to skip and jump and do all the silly things that make me giggle while doing it and I want to share them with you. I want to know more, do more, be more, and to trust. I don’t feel safe in the traditional sense and yet, I don’t have fear if that makes any sense? I wonder if when you look at me do you see the me that I want to be or the me that is and is evolving? I wonder if you knew that when we are talking I forget everything else and the world outside just ceases to exist in those moments of time? I also wonder if you know that’s never happened to me before you?

I also wonder if you knew how broken I was and how hard I worked to put it all back together if you’d really want to invest any time in me? I am beautiful and kind and strong and I wonder why I question whether you’d invest in me? Perhaps it is to me I should continue to ask that question and not you at all? I even wonder if any of what I’ve said to you will have a lasting impact on your life like yours’ has in mine?

I wonder if you know that I also think about the way you talk to me, the way you treat me and the way you always think that I’m special, and that you make me feel like I’m beautiful with little to no effort on your part.  I also wonder when I realized that was important to hear and why it took me until you to realize it?  My foolish heart is forever a bundle of hope and now I wonder if you knew from the beginning that it was so?

There’s a tape that runs in my head that while I know I’m forgiven I wonder how and why the Lord ever really wanted to save a soul like mine and then I smile and wonder if it will always be the case for me? Perhaps a touch of humility, self-doubt or an amazing realization of the gift I am so undeserving of…I wonder if we ever really know that answer? I do think you get it and I wonder how you know? Instead of changing that you seem to embrace it and have given me insight as to how I can deal with my own inner demons. I wonder if you know that I imagine that it’s the light shining from you that makes it look so bright on me?

I wonder if you knew everything about how I came to be the person I am if you’d still want to be around me? The past isn’t cloudy for me anymore but it does effect some. I wonder if it’s that way for everyone or am I alone in my thinking? I was wondering if I told you exactly how I feel if you’d find a way to quietly exit so as to not cause a scene and would I blame you? I wonder if you’ve ever had to stare down your demons and if so, does the shadow in your eyes represent them like it does in mine? Have you ever walked alone, and do you know how to be a friend afterwards? I was thinking about yesterday, today and tomorrow and I wonder which it is that we hold onto the longest?

I wonder if you’ve ever ridden a rollercoaster and liked it so much so that you had to immediately do it over and over again about three or four times for that’s what the onslaught of emotions do to my stomach, my heart, and my mind. So fast and furious and out of control and I wonder if it’s the thought of, or that it is that propels my emotions? I am often afraid to speak the words for even I don’t always know what it means and control seems to be my weapon of survival. I wonder when this became more about you and less about me was it always that way? I know God said you were for me, and not the other way around and I wonder if that is somehow part of the silence in my voice? It’s been a long time since I admitted my selfish needs or admitted that I’m human and it’s okay to have wants and needs and to have the desires of my heart answered. I wonder why even saying that puts a tinge of guilt in my heart?

The harder question, how do I deal with it, how do I accept it, how do I move on from it, learn from it, and trust in it…….. I don’t have those answers yet. I will continue to search for them and perhaps I won’t have to wonder anymore. Does saying “I love you” answer all of that? I wonder so many things and when I allow my mind the room to question I realize I am willing to be vulnerable even if I can admit it only to myself. I wonder how to change that?

I wonder…I wonder…I wonder…and in the end I replace new wonders with more questions and more growing and wonder if there is ever a time I can look in the mirror and think I’ve arrived?

I wonder if I could do it over if I’d be able to change anything or if it is as it is because most of all I am who I am and you are who you? More than anything else, I wonder if you know how lovely you are and what a great chapter in my life you are and always will be? I wonder and love you in the same breath. You are an amazingly beautiful wonder in this life of mine and I wonder how did I get to be so blessed?